
saipol launches oleoze and offers additional remuneration to farmers to encourage climate-friendly practices

Article written on 14 February 2020

Saipol, a subsidiary of the Avril Group, announces the launch of OleoZE, a new service for purchasing sustainable French oilseeds from farmers and collecting organisations.

For the first time, the purchase price of seeds will reward, via a “GHG bonus”, the efforts made by rapeseed and sunflower producers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and develop carbon storage on their farms. The development of Saipol’s renewable energy sales is the lever that allows it to better promote soil conservation farming practices.

Oleoze, Saipol’s new service for sourcing seeds from conservation agriculture

This new service is available on the oleomarket.fr digital marketplace. Collectors and farmers can now market their rapeseed and sunflower seeds on this marketplace. By entering the techniques used in the farm, they can then estimate the price bonus for which they are eligible, based on the real impact of the farm on carbon storage and greenhouse gas emission reduction.

The GHG bonus is around €20/tonne of seed and varies up or down depending on cultivation practices and the promotion of the GHG emission reductions on the biofuel market.

By tracing these actual agronomic practices on the farms, and by certifying this data via a dedicated tool, Saipol can develop its offer of renewable energies from rapeseed and sunflower crops, such as Oleo100 and biodiesels guaranteeing high GHG reductions.

Rewarding sustainable agricultural practices to accelerate their development

The development of OleoZE has been the subject of almost two years of work with the extensive involvement of collecting organisations over the last six months.

« With OleoZE, we are providing a concrete solution for collecting organisations and farmers to recognise their role in the fight against global warming and to support the agricultural transition.

We create a third pillar of remuneration for oilseeds. Previously, farmers produced rapeseed or sunflower and were paid for the oil and protein contained in the seeds. From now on, sustainability and beneficial techniques used in farms will also be remunerated thanks to our downstream sales of renewable energy, of which Oleo100 is an example.

The OleoZE solution is entirely in line with the social commitments of the Avril Group by meeting the expectations of our customers and all our agricultural representatives ».

Christophe Beaunoir, Managing Director of Saipol

Oleomarket.fr is the digital marketplace deployed by Saipol where agricultural stakeholders can now sell their oilseeds (OleoZE) and buy protein-rich meal (Feedmarket).


Oleomarket, Saipol’s digital marketplace for agricultural stakeholders